Trade-Locked Alpha Boosts: The Fallout

Rocket League’s Stand Against Alpha Boost Exploits

Within the captivating tale of Not Tradable Alpha Boosts in RL plays out. Within the gaming community of Rocket League, the Alpha Boost (also termed Gold Rush) is regarded as a representation of prestige and rarity. This golden along with glowing boost epitomizes an iconic status among players, with many craving to possess it. Yet, there’s a unique edition of this coveted item that bears a particular dash of mystery — the non-transferable Alpha Boost in RL.

 trade-locked Alpha Boost in RL
Trade-locked Alpha Boost accounts

The Source of Non-Transferable Alpha Boosts

Trade-locked items in Rocket League typically stem from a recovery process initiated in the event that an individual’s account becomes compromised. Rocket League support, as part of their usual procedure to restore missing items, hands back these items in an untradable state. This means that while the player can utilize the items in-game, they remain unable to participate in trading with others.

Alpha Boost RL: A Much-Coveted Item

Having an estimated worth of roughly $5000, the Alpha Boost is no ordinary commodity. It acts as a representation of early involvement in the game’s beta testing phase and demands immense craving within the competitive scene. For many users, owning an Alpha Boost is less about its exchange potential and more about showcasing it within the game as a symbol of prestige or ‘flex’. So, if they acquired their Alpha Boost as a non-transferrable item following an unauthorized access of their account, it didn’t significantly impact them negatively as they held no interest in trading it regardless.

A Sneaky Strategy: Exploiting the Support System

Nevertheless, this situation presented a ripe opportunity for some players. They had the potential to secure an Alpha Boost, pretend a breach by permitting a companion to log into their account, and subsequently contact Rocket League‘s support system to reclaim their ‘missing’ items. In turn, they’d procure a trade-locked Alpha Boost.

The procedure was regularly carried out on Epic Games accounts. Since the bulk of high-level Rocket League players reside on Steam, they were able to connect the Alpha Boost Epic account to their primary Steam account. Consequently, they were able to utilize Alpha Boost on their primary account.

Price Of Trade Locked Alpha Boost Accounts

Trade-locked Alpha Boost accounts were traded at approximately $1000-$1500. To numerous players, this offered a much more cost-effective choice to forking out $5000 for the tradable iteration.

Rocket League’s Response

Once Rocket League detected this trend as well as the underlying exploitation of their support system, they took determined action. All trade-locked Alpha Boosts were taken away from accounts, and the support system was altered so that Alpha Boost could no longer issued as a non-transferrable item.

In Summary

The tale of the trade-locked Alpha Boost in RL serves as a spellbinding chapter in Rocket League‘s vibrant history, illuminating the enticing appeal of unique items, players’ creativity, and the vital value of honest competition. It’s a testament to the game’s commitment to sustaining a fair and transparent trading sphere for its player community.


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